Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You like?

So, I was messing around with the layout trying to see what I can tweek and this is how it came out. Not the best colors in the world but you'll have to deal because I'm tired of looking at code. Just a quick credit thanks to faketheway ( for the awesome blend (above).

So, graduation was yesterday and I feel exactly the same. There was no epiphany, no feeling of entering into that realm of adulthood, that only means more responsibility. Uggghh, like I really need anymore of that! Oh and this girl completely wipped out when coming down the stairs. I feel really bad for her but it was hilarious. Really though, she shouldn't feel embarrased because she saved us for a moment from the constant monotonous roll of names.

I feel sorry for all the speech givers because "The Mark of a Wildcat" out-showed all the rest. It was really well written and humors at times, not to mention the kid was a great orator and delivered it fantastically. *Sighs* I wish I was that talented, my rhetoric skill are about as good as Bush's. I should probably work on it...


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


School is finally out, for good! It's wierd though because I feel exactly the same, like I'll have to wake up and go to school tomorrow. Maybe because I don't have the finality of...finals, haha jealous? I love exemptions.

So I was looking through the course listing for the University I will be attending and found the coolest class possible: Oz, Narnia, and Hogwarts. I think I will definately be changing my major to wizardry. I can't wait until NOV 21.

Speaking of movies, new clip from Twilight. I can't really decide if I like it or not. The effects are mediocre, though they are way better than Eragon. I can't tell, though, if I like Kristen Stewarts acting skill or her lack of acting skills.

Check it out:

What do you think?

- Onion

Oh, and if you're really bored (which you obviously are) check out the band, Scenes and Sirens. They are awesome!