Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am a slacker, yes I admit it! But can you blame me when I've been besotted by a vegetarian vampire named Edward Cullen (who by the way is in a joint custody agreement with me and my best mate! I get him on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday night). And if you have no clue what it is I'm talking about, you had better get your ignorant self over to the nearest B&N and buy the book Twilight.

As for school...we have 32 days left (weekends count)!! Ughh, and there is a massively hideous English project that I have to begin. I think teachers purposely save major projects till the end of the year so that they can bombard you with them all at once, breaking you so that you do horrible on the finals.

Oh, so I thought of a name! It's extremely random and inspired by the name of a Beatles song, well not so much the song itself as the title...drum roll please...ONION!! I don't know about you but I love it x a billion (x=times for those of you failing math).

Now I must get some shut-eye I had to wake up blasphemously early this morning for the SAT, no fun.

xo onion ;D


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